Expert lectures, presentations and discussion panels encourage exchange and are meeting places for personal encounters.

The meeting places for knowledge transfer, interaction and inspiration are the thematically oriented Design Plaza in the lighting area and Building Plaza in the building service technology area. Both plazas combine a stage for lectures, discussion rounds and award ceremonies. In addition to the stages, full-day and multi-day events offer compact insights into specific topics.
Design Plaza | Hall 3.1 B50

For six days, everything at the Design Plaza will revolve around lighting, architecture and design. Additionally, the Design Plaza is the starting place for themed guided tours of the fair.
The Designplus Award ceremony, daily Trend Talks and lectures on the topics of sustainability, efficiency and digitalization are among the highlights at the Design Plaza in Hall 3.1 B50.
Designplus Award by Light + Building | Award ceremony 03.03. + Talk 04.03.

At Designplus, the spotlight is on innovation, creation and design. A highlight at the start of the trade fair is the award ceremony for the Designplus Award by Light + Building. The award-winning products will also be presented throughout Light + Building in an exclusive special show in the foyer of Hall 5.1.
On 4 March, the Designplus Talk by Stylepark will take place on the topic of "Which factors are essential for a sustainable building sector?".
Trends 2024/25 | Talks daily
The designer team of Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano. will be giving daily presentations on social influences and developments that could impact on the design of luminaires in the 2024/25 season. The accompanying trend show provides visual impressions and additional information.
Find out moreFILD | 04.03.
On Monday, 4 March, the Federation of International Lighting Designers (FILD) will select the winners of this year's "FILD Lighting for Excellence Student Award" and dedicate a series of lectures in the afternoon to the topic of "Thinking and planning in lighting spaces".
FILD will also be represented with a stand in the foyer of Hall 4.1 at Light + Building.
Architeller by World-Architects and Light + Building | 03. + 05.03.

The new presentation format at Light + Building 2024 brings architects and exhibitors together in a meaningful, professional, and entertaining way.
Architonic DAAily Live Talks | 05.03.
In conversation with some of the finest A&D practitioners internationally, Architonic Editor-in-Chief Simon Keane-Cowell of the DAAily platforms group explores the challenges and opportunities, as well as the latest developments and innovations, from the world of lighting design and planning in a series of lively and entertaining on-stage interviews. (ZVEI) | 06.03.
The focus at the Design Plaza is on lighting and associated topics when the Lighting Section of the German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI) takes to the stage and brings together lighting experts for discussions and lectures revolving around sustainability, efficiency and digitalisation.
To the Event calendarIALD Day of Design | 07.03.

For the first time, the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) will contribute to the Design Plaza with session topics of crucial interest to practitioners and collaborators in architectural lighting design.
On 7 March, the IALD will provide a full day of high-quality content on the stage, including presented studies, discussions on EU regulatory affairs, an introduction of the Association’s new eLearning platform (LERN), social gatherings, and networking opportunities.
Of note are two special events on that day: ENLIGHTENme updates a study on the relationship between health, well-being, lighting, and socio-economic factors in three pilot cities; IALD x WIL is a combined celebratory reception for the fifth anniversary of Women in Lighting and an energetic presentation by a panel of eight professionals on the topic of Inspirational Women.
The IALD Day of Design brings content and conversations for members and nonmembers alike. Visit the Design Plaza on Thursday, 7 March, to learn more about the Power of Light.
Women in Lighting | 08.03.
‘Women in Lighting’ celebrates its fifth anniversary at the fair on 8 March – International Women’s Day – and will spotlight a variety of projects, milestones and objectives of women in the lighting sector.
Find out moreBuilding Plaza | Hall 9.0 D60

The focus of events at the Building Plaza is on the efficient use of energy, sustainability and safety in houses and buildings. One day will be dedicated to the subject of connected safety and security. Digitalization, networking and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are creating new opportunities but also new challenges. Cyber security is no less important in this case as in the case of access control or video surveillance.
Power Creator Days @ Light + Building | 03. + 04.03.
The Creator Space will be a particularly outstanding event: prominent creators from the trade will come together as part of a special event at Light + Building.
Energy storage and management | 05.03.
- How safe are battery cells and battery systems?
Speaker from Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung BW - Optimisation of building energy consumption
Speaker Andreas Blassy, Head of Digital- & Energy Services der Caverion Deutschland - Wind heating 2.0 - centrepiece heat accumulator
Speaker Dr. Matthias Kersken, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP - Photovoltaics for housing associations -Solarimo creates sustainable added value
Speaker from Stadtbau GmbH Regensburg - No energy transition without electricity storage - new technologies
Speaker EnBW
Energiewendebauen Congress (German only) | 06. + 07.03.

For the first time, the Energiewendebauen Congress (Energy Transition Construction Congress) will be held as part of Light + Building. On March 6 and 7, 2024, lectures, discussion panels and trade fair tours will offer insight into the latest research results in the field of sustainable energy supply for buildings.
REHVA Expert Talk: Data-driven Smart Buildings | 08.03.

Expert Talk focusing on “Data-driven Smart Building”
The recent revolution in digital technology and cyber-physical systems has the potential to further reduce costs and guarantee the set indoor climate conditions, by automating building operation with embedded intelligence, and with access to more diverse information. These emerging technologies will enable much more sophisticated energy efficient controls and building management strategies, and at the same time have high quality indoor conditions and users’ convenience.
Forum E-Handwerk | Hall 12.0 Foyer 1 (German only)

In cooperation with the trade journal "de - das elektrohandwerk", Light + Building will for the first time offer a specialist forum for the trade. The focus is on practical topics with a focus on industry innovations.
Technology Forum | Hall 12.1 D86

The Technology Forum is a platform for professional exchange between exhibitors and visitors. The lectures and discussion rounds focus on the electrification and digitalisation of the building sector.
Experts from ZVEI member companies will take a manufacturer-neutral and cross-product look at innovative solutions and systems as well as changes in standards, and expert discussions will delve into individual topics. The Technology Forum is organised by the German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI) and Messe Frankfurt and will take place from 3 to 8 March in Hall 12.1.
Exhibitor Stage | Halle 5.0 + Halle 11.0 | 04. – 07.03.

For the first time, there will be stages for specialist lectures and presentations by exhibitors at Light + Building from Monday 4 to Thursday 7 March.
The spotlight on the Exhibitor Stage in Hall 5.0 will be on the experts for light and lighting.
In the building area in Hall 11.0, experts will share their expertise on selected topics relating to the built world.
Day Events
Energy Consultants' Day (German only) | 05.03.
The Energy Consultants' Day at Light + Building will focus on energy-efficient construction and renovation.
LightingEurope Policy Debate | 05.03.
LightingEurope is back at Light + Building 2024 for a policy debate with policy makers and key stakeholders of the lighting industry.
Join us to discuss with us the new LightingEurope Strategy and relevant developments on sustainability and enforcement of rules.
IEECB&SC'24 European ESCO Conference | 06. + 07.03.

The IEECB&SC and the European ESCO conference brings together all the key players in commercial buildings and district planning, such as investors and property managers, academia and experts, equipment manufacturers, service providers (ESCOs), utilities, facilities management companies, telecoms and data centre operators, urban planners and local and national policy makers, with a view to exchange information and to network.
8th Architects' forum (German only) | 07.03.
Since 2008, the "Architects' Forum" of the electrical trades has been held as part of Light + Building. With the one-day event, which has a changing focus topic and in which renowned experts provide interesting insights into important real estate topics in short presentations, the Central Association of the German Electrical and Information Technology Trades (ZVEH) offers architects a forum for exchange.